Healing with the Energy of the Angels. I.E.T. is a safe empowering Spiritual healing technique that is used in conjunction with your Angels. This technique connects you to the Angelic realm to promote healing.
It can be done on a massage table, a chair or long distance.
An I.E.T. session uses a unique cellular memory map to target specific areas in the body where cellular memories are stored. Tis session begins a release on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This session allows the blocks to be cleared, the suppressed energy is freed and the natural balance is restored to your energy field. Leaving you in pure joy.
You can increase your sense of well being, happiness, life purpose, health, creativity and prosperity. Painlessly identify and release your deeply suppressed feelings and your core cellular memories. Support you self healing on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Increase your connection loving and nurturing.
Virtual/Remote - Zoom
Integrated Energy Therapy (I.E.T. =1 Hr Zoom)
Please feel free to contact us with any question you may have. Your healing experience is set by your intention, please keep that in mind on your healing journey.
Have a Blessed Day!
Sessions done through Zoom
Acuity scheduling link:
Weekend Workshops Offering: Basic Level, Intermediate Level, Advanced Level, Master Instructor. Inquire for schedule posting of classes.