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These Group Healing Events will bring you Healing and Clarity on your Soul Awakening Journey.  The Divine is Present for all these Sessions. I have many who receive healings with testimonials from these powerful healing sessions.


Zoom Session

Group Healing Event! Zoom

  • These Group Healings are done through Zoom. You are in the comfort of your own home, or your favorite relaxing place. You can fall asleep while the healing is happening, it's ok. Sometimes the Divine moves you out of the way to allow the healing to take place. Sometimes your mind can be active, or distracting so the Divine has you fall asleep to allow the healing.

    Acuity Scheduling link:

  • Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Your healing experience is set by your intention. Please keep that in mind on your healing journey. Your satisfaction is our compassion and biggest priority.

    Thank you!

     Have a Blessed Day!

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