Having Gratitude and living in the Grace of the Divine GOd Source is going to change your life. 2025 will be a lot of Faith over fear.
Free Will-Free Choice here. You choose where you will stand with your Truth, Faith, Belief, Trust, Love, Compassion, Wisdom. You choose.
Walk in Faith. There will really be no other choice. Fear is low frequency energy and it will take you down.
Look to the Heavens for guidance, support, wisdom. Trust your Intuition. Learn to focus on your Intuitive hits.
Open your Heart and keep it open. Let no one and nothing close it. Continue building your Love.
GOD Loves You!
Have a Day With an Open Heart!
Love and Light
Susan G Chamberlain
Blue Rose Mystics
Intuitive, Mystic, Coach, Teacher, Author
Soul Alchemy Transformation™
The Soul Alchemist™
Join me for Virtual Healing, Clearing, Coaching Sessions or Virtual Workshops
Susan G Chamberlain 718-791-7689sgcha22@yahoo.com