Full Moon in Virgo on this March 18 at 27 degrees. 12:17AM (Masculine and Feminine Energies coming into balance. ) Comes in right before the Equinox.
You must be Confident in your Self, your own Inner Guidance and Intuitive force. Your Integrity will shine. Set Intentions to what you’re Releasing. Integrating what is known and unknown.
Trust your Heightened Senses and discern the path in front of you. Be open Hearted with Self Authority. Making choices with your Aligned Being. Recognizing your Patterns.
Trusting your Self is very Present now, work on your Self Love. Do not seek validation outside of your Self, it decreases your Power. There’s a lot of Angelic Presence for Healing for those who seek it.
The work you do in your dualistic state, as you are the author of your own Authentic Path. You must maintain a sense of Self Identity, no more co-dependency.
Self Identity is going to be around, it’s important to Trust your Inner Being. Inner Faith must be Present.
Recognize and Trust your own Intuition. Faith and the New Earth, the New Pattern, it’s here from Jan 6, 2020-started feeling this in 2019. Clear thinkers and knowers.
New Earth Christ Consciousness that’s coming in, in this Aquarian Age. Know who You are. Self Sufficiency is essential. We’re connecting with Self Authority here.
What are you re-evaluating at this time? What are you letting go of and Trusting what’s coming. More alignment is coming, this is a Consciousness Energy here. Let what needs to show up, show up.
Virgo Moon’s Purify and make good judgments. Full Moon is always about Release, which is illuminated so you know what’s going. You have to know what to eliminate by your Intuition.
GOD Loves You!

Full Moon in Virgo ♍️
Angel Messages