Go about your dwelling here on this Beloved Mother Earth, keep a space for your Sacred Connection always.
When you connect Consciously to your Divinity, you become more of your Divine Self and less of your ego self. Take the next step.
Your Light is on and it’s not going to lessen or go out. It’s impossible to go out, for it is your Divine Truth. You can dim it by not connecting to your Divinity and by not having Faith in the Divine.
Faith is an Energy that you have about you and your Divinity. Keep in Faith, Trust and Believe in GOD, Divine Source, Higher Power. “All Things Are Possible With GOD”, Divine Source.
If you become depressed anytime, you are depressing your Light. When you let your Divine Light Shine, your world and life are right side up; otherwise everything is upside down.
GOD Loves You!
Shine your Light…💜
Faith is an Energy that you have about you and your Divinity …💜