Relax in your Soul and bring in the maximum Light that you can. Go about your day Conscious of raising your Vibration and keeping it High.
When a stress factor comes along, take a deep breath and hold it until the count of 3. Then very slowly exhale and repeat this process until you feel you’re in the Present Moment where it’s much calmer.
Breathing is essential for your life existence on this Beloved Mother Earth. Your Breath is extremely Powerful and Healing to your Divine Vessel.
Remember you are the Living Breath of GOD. Your Breath is alive in every moment, so it can Heal you in every moment.
Sit, Pray and Meditate with the Divine. Keep in this flow as long as you can, this will surely feed your Body, Mind and Spirit. Once you have these 3 somewhat in a Balance flow you’ll be at a New Level of PEACE.
GOD Loves You!

Calming from a stress factor…💜